




January 04, 2023 6 min read

Why is the skin on my legs so dry?

Dry skin receives this name because it naturally lacks water replacement, or because of its reduced ability to retain its naturally present water, which means that this skin type is predisposed to dryness and sensitivity, including on the legs. When we don't hydrate this region, we get very dry, cracked, itchy, whitish-looking skin. This whole scenario ends up getting worse during winter or when we take hot and long baths.

How to treat leg dryness and avoid the white look?

First of all, it's important to hydrate the region, as well as the whole body, every day. Bet on a moisturizing cream or lotion with ingredients that help replenish the amount of liquid needed by the skin and strengthen the skin barrier, such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

Other care that helps keep the skin hydrated is to avoid very hot and long baths, use a neutral soap without parabens or substances that dry the skin and ingest at least two and a half liters of water daily to hydrate the body from the inside out.

What happens when you moisturize your skin every day?
- We prevent the region from drying out;
- Early aging becomes a more distant problem;
- The skin becomes stronger;
- The skin becomes less sensitive.

Scratching dry skin can cause even more complications. Secondary infections can be caused, since the act of scratching can generate microtraumas in the skin that can serve as a gateway for bacteria and other microorganisms, in addition to post-inflammatory hyperchromasia (dark spots)

Itching can have many causes

The treatment must be evaluated individually by a professional, because itching can have different causes. There are many causes, such as thyroid changes, infections like scabies, drug reactions, kidney failure, and chronic conditions like bullous pemphigoid. Another very common cause is atopic dermatitis, a disease that causes inflammation of the skin.

Some areas of the body, such as the knees, elbows, legs and feet, may suffer more from dryness, due to a smaller amount of sebaceous glands, responsible for producing the natural oiliness that lubricates and waterproofs the skin. One of the ways to combat dryness is to incorporate a care routine that includes a balanced diet, recommended water intake and daily hydration of the skin, associated with the use of products that promote a less aggressive syndet cleaning. Creams, soaps and other dermocosmetics indicated by a specialist for each case and skin type can be used.

Hot baths make the skin more susceptible to problems

It is also important to avoid some factors that aggravate the condition. For example, the use of loofahs and hot baths, even during the coldest climates, because hot water removes the protective barrier and makes the skin even more sensitive. Cigarette use and exposure to the sun without protection are also harmful habits that compromise skin hydration and can worsen the health of dry skin.

Itching, itching or tingling in the legs, especially in the thighs, is a sign that the body is experiencing some abnormality and asks for attention.

In this article, we have listed 6 possible reasons for itchy thighs:

1. Allergies

2. Dry skin

3. Diabetes

4. Meralgia paresthetica

5. Kidney or liver diseases

6. Poor circulation

Each of the possible reasons must be accompanied by the specialist doctor and treated according to guidance.

The causes of the problem must be identified so that the symptoms can be treated and controlled.

Let's get to know more about each of the possible reasons that can trigger itchy thighs.

  • 1. Allergies

What are?
Allergies are a reaction of the body against substances that come into contact with the body.

The immune system is activated and sends signals of discomfort, which can manifest in the skin, breathing and even ingestion. Allergies can be triggered by different factors, such as: food, cosmetic products, plants, clothes and others.

The appearance of itching and irritation on the skin is common, especially when there is contact with products that cause the allergy.

How to treat?
The first step in treating allergies is to assess whether there has been contact with products or objects that caused itchy thighs.

Afterwards, you need to seek medical help for the assertive diagnosis as to the causes of the allergic skin reaction.

Generally, anti-allergic drugs are used to control, in addition to avoiding contact with the allergy-causing agent.

  • 2. Dry skin

What is it?
Human skin is naturally hydrated, however, due to some deficiency in the body, the body's own hydration may not be enough. There are cases where dry skin becomes a problem and is called by the medical term cutaneous xerosis.

These are situations in which the skin becomes rough, opaque, sensitive, with flaking and intense itching. This dryness can be caused by the use of certain products or by very hot and time-consuming bat

How to treat?
To prevent the skin from wearing out and reaching high levels of dryness, or even to treat already dry skin, the ideal is to use moisturizing creams with dermatological recommendation.

In addition, it is indicated to avoid the use of soaps with inadequate ph for the skin type. Give preference to moisturizing soaps and avoid very hot baths.

  • 3. Diabetes

What is it?
Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the body's inability to control blood sugar (glucose) levels. It happens when the hormone produced by the pancreas, called insulin, does not have the adequate amount.

It is a serious disease that, if not controlled, can lead to many complications, including neuropathy.

Neuropathy occurs when too much sugar in the blood damages nerve endings. The main symptom is tingling and itching of the skin, mainly on the thighs.

How to treat?
The patient with Diabetes must have constant medical follow-up, use medication and maintain a healthy diet.

In addition, to ensure controlled glucose levels, it is essential to practice physical activity.

  • 4. Meralgia paresthetica

What is it?
Meralgia paresthetica is a condition triggered by severe pressure on the lateral femoral nerve of the thigh.

This nerve compression causes pain, burning sensation and itching or itching in the thigh affected by the disease. In rare cases, the disease develops on both sides of the leg.

Pressure on the nerve in the thigh can be caused by being overweight, wearing clothes that are too tight, scar tissue after surgery, or pregnancy.

How to treat?
Treatment is carried out with minimal interventions: changing clothing styles to looser sizes and using topical lotions. It is also essential to control weight.

If the meralgia is advanced, the doctor may recommend medication, physical therapy and/or radiofrequency treatment.

  • 5. Kidney or liver diseases

What are?
The kidneys and liver have the function of filtering the blood and ensuring the perfect functioning of the human body. When they don't work properly, they can take the toxins present in the blood to other parts of the body and trigger diseases.

As the thighs are parts of the body that receive the most blood irrigation, if it is not filtered, it consequently receives many of the toxins.

This way, it can trigger the tingling, itching, or itching in your thighs.

How to treat?
The treatment consists of controlling the disease that affects the organ, either in the kidneys or in the liver.

It is essential to seek the specialist doctor for the diagnosis. With medicine and procedures, illnesses are controlled and symptoms resolved.

  • 6. Poor circulation

What is it?
Poor circulation is a problem in the distribution of blood that travels through the body, due to the difficulty of passing through the veins and vessels. The causes of poor circulation are many and may be linked to overweight, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, family history, among others.

Compromised blood circulation triggers symptoms such as heaviness in the legs, cramps, swelling and itching. In many cases, itching in the thighs is accompanied by the appearance of varicose veins, veins with altered blood flow inside them.

Varicose veins present local swelling and purple color, in addition, they cause pain and, in severe cases, can evolve into venous ulcers, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, for example.

How to treat?
To improve blood circulation, the ideal is to exercise regularly, control weight, not smoke, among other conditions that impact quality of life.

For varicose veins, in addition to more complex surgeries, there are already minimally invasive treatments with local drug applications and quick recovery, such as foam sclerotherapy.

According to the case of each patient, according to the evaluation of the specialist doctor, the best procedure is indicated.

Where to do?
The treatment of varicose veins with the foam sclerotherapy method consists of applying a drug called polidocanol directly into the diseased veins. The medicine in the form of foam will fill the vein with poor circulation, in order to push the blood out.

The blood is then distributed to healthy veins, which will normalize circulation in the area. The veins are absorbed by the organism and with time they disappear.

Read more about strawberry legs on snowyskin’s article


Evelyn Setubal
Evelyn Setubal

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